With The GOOD Comes The BAD

Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time. From my living room I was able to watch the World Cup, miles away from the actual event. The potential power of televisons to inform, inspire, and unite. Such is this potenetial, but there is also a hidden darkside. Besides the hypnotic like effect it has, another major problem is the way it is used by those who own and run television stations and networks. TV is not made to entertain, educate, or enlighten us. It is made to sell products and services.
In its current state, television produces more problems than it offers blessings. The first problem is no matter how our intentions are to watch only an hour or the programs we want, once we start watching, it is all too easy to become caught in its almost hypnotic power to keep us watching regardless of the preposterous content. The rapidly flickering, changing colors and shifting contrast of the TV screen seem to have a negaative effect. So, before long, we are watching not for the content, but for the contrast, change, and captivating swirl of images. That is the danger. We may decide to catch a one-hour educational program, but find ourselves immobilized by TV's power and end up watching longer than we originally planned. Many people who are obese are usually couch potatos drinking pop and lazing about in front of the television. In turn, the television also takes away valuable family time or that family time is spent in front of the televisions. There are of course many other positives and negatives that i have not mentioned here such as the impact of t.v violence and the way it communicates important event so quickly and conveniently. Shutting it off not only gets you to live longer, but to live BETTER.
I'm not suggesting TV is completely worthless. For example, I immensely enjoyed watching the World Cup, news, movies, and of course election time. Yet, I am saying that even in TV's finest moments, we could probably do better by turning it off.
I agree with you that tv makes family relationship worse.
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